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What is Interior design?

Interior design is the idea of thoughtful design that presents functionality, safety, and adds aesthetic value to the eye. First, a key aspect of interior design is functionality. As an interior designer, you need to be able to make the space functional and logical for the client and its intended purpose. Making the space functional could include deciding how much space is needed for a rooms intended purpose or deciding where doors need to be placed. This all contributes to the function and flow of the space. Second, safety is another key aspect of interior design. Interior designers have certain building and safety codes they have to adhere to. This makes the space safe for anyone using it. If a space was not safe and up to code, no one would want to use that space. Third, aesthetic value is important to interior design because it really shapes the space and makes the client feel heard. Interior designers need to be able to present their ideas well to the client as well as be able to communicate with the client. Being able to take into account a client's physical and emotional needs plays a big part in the design process. This all contributes to the abstract idea of a design becoming physical and concrete for the client.

For me, this is mostly what I thought interior design was about. I knew it wasn't just decorating, but that it's all about the actual design. It's not just about color swatches and picking out couches like on HGTV. When people ask me what my major is and I say interior design, they typically think of interior decorating. I am glad I am learning more about interior design so I can educate people and tell them what interior design really means. I did learn more about how complex and intricate it really is. For example, I knew there were building and safety codes, but I was not aware of how many there actually are and how big a role they play. There is also a big interpersonal aspect to interior design because you have to deal with clients as well as business. All in all, I am excited to learn more about interior design and what is has to offer.



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