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Material Culture & Why it is Important

Material culture is the way different objects such as tools or buildings are viewed and their importance socially and culturally. Material culture is important to interior design because it can help the designer figure out what the client values. By finding out what the client values, the designer can better assist their design needs. Culturally and socially, people place a different level of value on objects. Material culture seeks to understand the why behind objects and their importance. One material item may be of more importance to one person rather than another. It is important to know this because then the designer and client can come together to a better understanding of their needs. Material culture can help us understand where people come from, what they enjoy doing, or how they act socially.

To start figuring out what this object is, I started to observe its characteristics. To begin with some observations about this object, I noticed that it was very small. It seems to be handheld and lightweight. Next, I noticed that it seemed to be made out of some type of shiny metal looking material. The object opens on one end. Some of the objects have a little ring attached to them as if you could attach them to a chain. As for the shape, most are rectangular looking, but some come in interesting shapes such as a crown or cowboy boot. Also, most of the designs on this object are floral and look as if they are etched in. On the bottom of some of these objects is an indent with grill like marks going across.

Next, I made some predictions about this object and what it could be used for. I predict that this object is a locket. I predict this because it has an opening where you could put something like a portrait or meaningful object from someone in it. It also has a ring attached to it where you could loop it through a chain and wear it. For the time period, I would predict lockets came about in the 18th century. I know they have been around for a long time because people have been using lockets to store meaningful items from their loved ones such as friends or family. The culture at the time was more reminiscent and people wanted to be able to hold onto things they wanted to be reminded of. At the time, people did not have phones where they could easily store photos and look at loved ones to be reminded of. A locket would be a way to remember someone that could be easily worn around the neck. Another prediction I have is that this object could be a lighter. The way the object opens up and the grill marks on the bottom could suggest its usage as a lighter. Also, the decorativeness of these objects and their shape remind me of vintage old school lighters. Lighters are used to provide light, warmth, and have many other uses.

The actual function of a locket is to store a personal item such as a photo, a letter, or even a lock of hair. Lockets are very personal gifts and hold deep meaning inside them. Lockets are traditionally gifted to someone on holidays like Valentine's Day or other different occasions. Lockets are believed to be evolved from amulets from Greek and Roman periods. An amulet is a piece of jewelry that holds great meaning to the person wearing it and is believed to ward off things like disease or danger. In doing some research, I found that lockets came about in the 16th century. During these times, lockets may have held pictures of loved ones or of the king and queen, showing loyalty. Over the years, lockets have evolved in to many different shapes and styles. The one thing that remains the same is that they each hold something special to the wearer.

Upon further research, I found out that this object is a vesta case. A vesta case is used to hold matches in the Victorian period to the Edwardian period. It is named after the Roman goddess Vesta, who represents fire and the hearth.



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